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2018-11-03 14:22:22 +00:00
Solution to GC Rosalind problem
Author: Peter Vlasveld
use strict;
use warnings;
#take in data from file
open(IN, "rosalind_gc.txt") or die "Couldn't open input file";
my @data = <IN>;
close IN;
#declare variables
my @ID;
my @sequences;
my @tempArr;
my $finalID;
my $finalPerc = 0;
#add first @data line to @ID
$ID[0] = $data[0];
#loop through 1..$#data
for (1..$#data){
#when a line starts with >,
if (substr($data[$_],0,1) eq '>'){
#add it to @ID, join the temp array and add it to @sequences
push @ID, $data[$_];
my $temp = join ('', @tempArr);
push @sequences, $temp;
@tempArr = undef;
} else {
#add line to temp array
push @tempArr, $data[$_];
#join last temp and add to sequences
my $temp = join('', @tempArr);
push @sequences, $temp;
#loop through @sequences
for (0..$#sequences){
$sequences[$_] =~ s/\s//g;
print $sequences[$_];
#declare percentage
my $percentage;
my $GC;
my $total = length $sequences[$_];
#determine percentage of GC in the sequence
$GC = ($sequences[$_] =~ tr/GC//);
$percentage = ($GC/$total)*100;
print "$percentage\n";
#if percentage is greater than finalPerc, then finalPerc eq percentage and finalID eq ID
if ($percentage>$finalPerc) {
$finalPerc = $percentage;
$finalID = $ID[$_];
#output id and percent
printf("%s%f\n", $finalID, $finalPerc);