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This commit is contained in:
Peter Vlasveld 2018-11-03 10:22:22 -04:00
commit 80bc80633c
6 changed files with 278 additions and 0 deletions

54 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Binary search program for solving Rosalind BINS problem
Author: Peter Vlasveld
use strict;
use warnings;
#take in data
open(IN, "rosalind_bins.txt") or die "Couldn't open the input file";
my @data = <IN>;
close IN;
#declare and fill data arrays
my @list = split / /, $data[2];
my @keys = split / /, $data[3];
#declare arrays
my (@outArr, @test);
#run binary searches and store in @outArr
for (@keys){
my $result = binSearch($_,\@list,0,$#list);
push(@outArr, $result);
#join search results into one string
my $outStr = join(' ', @outArr);
#open file and print output to it
open(OUT, ">outlog.txt") or die "Couldn't open the output file";
print OUT $outStr;
close OUT;
#also print the output to the console
print $outStr, "\n";
#binary search algorithm
sub binSearch{
my ($key, $list_ref, $left, $right) = @_;
if ($left > $right) { return -1; }
my $middle = int(($left + $right) / 2);
print "$middle\n";
my @array = @{$list_ref};
if ($array[$middle] == $key) { return int($middle)+1; }
elsif ($array[$middle] > $key) {
return binSearch($key, $list_ref, int($left), int($middle-1));
return binSearch($key, $list_ref, int($middle+1), int($right));

31 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Solution to the FIB Rosalind problem - a modified fibonacci algorithm
Author: Peter Vlasveld
use strict;
use warnings;
#take in data from file
open(IN, "rosalind_fib.txt") or die "Couldn't open input file";
my $data = <IN>;
close IN;
#splitinput values into array
my @input = split / /, $data;
#print output of fibonacci algorithm to console
print fibo($input[0],$input[1]), "\n";
#modified fibonacci algorithm to allow for k rabbit pairs per month rather than just 1
sub fibo{
my ($num,$pairs) = @_;
if ($num == 0) { return 0; }
if ($num == 1) { return 1; }
my $result = fibo($num-1,$pairs);
$result += (fibo($num-2,$pairs))*$pairs;
return $result;

66 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Solution to GC Rosalind problem
Author: Peter Vlasveld
use strict;
use warnings;
#take in data from file
open(IN, "rosalind_gc.txt") or die "Couldn't open input file";
my @data = <IN>;
close IN;
#declare variables
my @ID;
my @sequences;
my @tempArr;
my $finalID;
my $finalPerc = 0;
#add first @data line to @ID
$ID[0] = $data[0];
#loop through 1..$#data
for (1..$#data){
#when a line starts with >,
if (substr($data[$_],0,1) eq '>'){
#add it to @ID, join the temp array and add it to @sequences
push @ID, $data[$_];
my $temp = join ('', @tempArr);
push @sequences, $temp;
@tempArr = undef;
} else {
#add line to temp array
push @tempArr, $data[$_];
#join last temp and add to sequences
my $temp = join('', @tempArr);
push @sequences, $temp;
#loop through @sequences
for (0..$#sequences){
$sequences[$_] =~ s/\s//g;
print $sequences[$_];
#declare percentage
my $percentage;
my $GC;
my $total = length $sequences[$_];
#determine percentage of GC in the sequence
$GC = ($sequences[$_] =~ tr/GC//);
$percentage = ($GC/$total)*100;
print "$percentage\n";
#if percentage is greater than finalPerc, then finalPerc eq percentage and finalID eq ID
if ($percentage>$finalPerc) {
$finalPerc = $percentage;
$finalID = $ID[$_];
#output id and percent
printf("%s%f\n", $finalID, $finalPerc);

49 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Solutions to GRPH Rosalind problem
Author: Peter Vlasveld
use common::sense;
#take in data
open(IN, "rosalind_grph.txt") or die "Couldn't open input file";
my @data = <IN>;
close IN;
#declare variables
my (@headers, @DNA, @result);
my $temp = "";
#convert FASTA data into array of DNA strings and headers
for (@data){
unless (substr($_,0,1) eq '>'){
$temp .= substr($_,0,-1);
} else {
push @headers, substr($_,0,-1);
push @DNA, $temp;
$temp = "";
push @DNA, $temp;
shift @DNA;
#print @headers,"\n",@DNA,"\n";
#write which headers overlap to @result
for my $i (0..$#DNA){
for my $j (0..$#DNA){
print "$DNA[$i]$DNA[$j]\n";
if ($DNA[$i] eq $DNA[$j]) { next; }
elsif (substr($DNA[$i],-3) eq substr($DNA[$j],0,3)){
push @result, substr($headers[$i],1)." ".substr($headers[$j],1);
#print result to file
open(OUT, ">output.txt") or die "Couldn't open output file";
for (@result){
print OUT $_,"\n";
close OUT;

37 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Solution to IPRB Rosalind problem
Author: Peter Vlasveld
use strict;
use warnings;
#take in data from file
open(IN, "rosalind_iprb.txt") or die "Couldn't open input file";
my $data = <IN>;
close IN;
#split dataset into array
my @dataset = split / /, $data;
#calculate total probability ratios
my $total = $dataset[0] + $dataset[1] + $dataset[2];
my $initmRatio = $dataset[1]/$total;
my $initnRatio = $dataset[2]/$total;
#calculate values of progeny from probability ratios and population data
my $sameHeteroDom = ($initmRatio * (($dataset[1]-1)/($total-1)))*0.25;
#print $sameHeteroDom, "\n";
my $oneAndOne1 = ($initmRatio * ($dataset[2]/($total-1)))*0.5;
#print $oneAndOne1, "\n";
my $oneAndOne2 = ($initnRatio * ($dataset[1]/($total-1)))*0.5;
#print $oneAndOne2, "\n";
my $sameHeteroRec = $initnRatio * (($dataset[2]-1)/($total-1));
#print $sameHeteroRec, "\n";
#calculate resulting progeny
my $result = 1-($sameHeteroDom + $oneAndOne1 + $oneAndOne2 + $sameHeteroRec);
#output result to console
printf("%.5f\n", $result);

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Solution to the Rosalind REVC problem
Author: Peter Vlasveld
use strict;
use warnings;
use Switch;
#take in dataset
open(IN, "rosalind_revc.txt") or die "Couldn't open input file";
my $dataset = <IN>;
close IN;
#split data into single letters
my @dna = split //, $dataset;
#declare complement array
my @complement;
#make complement array which corresponds to @dna array
for (@dna){
case 'A' { push @complement, 'T'; }
case 'T' { push @complement, 'A'; }
case 'G' { push @complement, 'C'; }
case 'C' { push @complement, 'G'; }
#reverse the complement
@complement = reverse @complement;
#join back into a single string and output to a file
my $result = join '', @complement;
open(OUT, ">outlog.txt") or die "couldn't open output file";
print OUT $result;
#print solution to console
print "$result\n";