55 lines
1.2 KiB
55 lines
1.2 KiB
Binary search program for solving Rosalind BINS problem
Author: Peter Vlasveld
use strict;
use warnings;
#take in data
open(IN, "rosalind_bins.txt") or die "Couldn't open the input file";
my @data = <IN>;
close IN;
#declare and fill data arrays
my @list = split / /, $data[2];
my @keys = split / /, $data[3];
#declare arrays
my (@outArr, @test);
#run binary searches and store in @outArr
for (@keys){
my $result = binSearch($_,\@list,0,$#list);
push(@outArr, $result);
#join search results into one string
my $outStr = join(' ', @outArr);
#open file and print output to it
open(OUT, ">outlog.txt") or die "Couldn't open the output file";
print OUT $outStr;
close OUT;
#also print the output to the console
print $outStr, "\n";
#binary search algorithm
sub binSearch{
my ($key, $list_ref, $left, $right) = @_;
if ($left > $right) { return -1; }
my $middle = int(($left + $right) / 2);
print "$middle\n";
my @array = @{$list_ref};
if ($array[$middle] == $key) { return int($middle)+1; }
elsif ($array[$middle] > $key) {
return binSearch($key, $list_ref, int($left), int($middle-1));
return binSearch($key, $list_ref, int($middle+1), int($right));